How to ace the College Essay?

How to ace the College Essay?

The college essay is key for admissions to see who you are. Here’s how to make yours stand out. Visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

Make a Strong Start

First, grab attention from the start. Your opening should make the examiner want to read more. A great way is to share a story that shows your main point. Keep the reader hooked by smoothly moving from your intro to the main part of your essay.

Keep It Interesting

Then, keep the story engaging. Add details about your background that back up your main point. This makes your essay more interesting.

Top Tips for a Great Essay

  • Start with something that grabs attention.
  • Talk about big moments in your life. This shows the real you.
  • Keep your writing clear and straightforward.
  • Stay on topic to keep your story strong.
  • Focus on what makes you unique.
  • Use active voice to make your essay lively.
  • Mix up your sentences to keep things interesting.
  • Lastly, always proofread your work.

Deepen Your Reflection

Furthermore, delve into reflection. Colleges look for depth in your essay. Reflect on your experiences and how they’ve shaped you. This deep dive not only reveals your maturity but also your ability to introspect.


In essence, acing your college essay involves more than just telling a story. It’s about showcasing your personality, growth, and alignment with the college’s values in a clear, engaging manner. By following these tips and focusing on simplicity and clarity, you’ll craft an essay that stands out.

Need Help?

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

If you need to know more about College Essay you can also visit the few example of essays for more information.

How to Ace the GRE Verbal

How to Ace the GRE Verbal

The GRE English, though not very different in structure from undergraduate English sections in tests like the SAT, is much more difficult in expectation. A candidate’s competition aren’t clueless high school students on their way to college anymore, but accomplished adults armed with an undergraduate degree already. Expect the complexity in the English section to be difficult, but not impossible, even to someone who is not necessarily fluent in English. Visit our website for for information about Ace the GRE Verbal Anannt education will help you to know more.

Here are a few ways you can get over your hang-ups and rise triumphant:

  1. Read, and read more.

The level of sophistication the GRE expects out of your command of the English language is unlike any other standardised test. Especially when it comes to the Text Completion section, not only is a candidate’s knowledge of English in general (vocabulary included) tested, but also their ability to write idioms and phrases in English that can be widely understood. To write a sentence is easy, but to come up with complex idioms and metaphors on a whim is many times even beyond fluent speakers.

Which is why reading is very important. Hone your ability to write. Read books, be it whatever genre, but closely study the dialogues, quirky phrases and quips and sentences. If something made you thoughtful or laugh, highlight that sentence and analyse why. Why was this sentence special? Use that answer to come up with your own sentences.

  1. If you don’t understand anything, skip

Don’t be afraid to skip. If a question is particularly agonising to you, circle it and move on. Like all standardised tests, the GRE is also primarily a test of time management. Finish all the questions you know first and then go back to the ones you couldn’t answer. Approach the question from a different angle this time and start afresh. The answer is in front of you, you just need to pick it correctly.

  1. Invest in flashcards

As dull as they may seem, flashcards with complicated words and their meanings are immense help to a GRE candidate. Skillfully using a complicated word in a sentence in GRE can earn you major points. By scoring well, you will more than regain the time and effort you would spend simply learning words.

  1. Learn synonyms and antonyms of the words you are learning

In the GRE, it is not enough to just know the word itself. You must know the opposite of the word and other words that mean the same as it. During the Sentence Equivalence section especially, not knowing the opposite or synonym of a word will automatically make you fail the exercise. In the GRE, they do not want you to just by-heart a list of words and word-vomit it on the day; they want to ensure that you truly understand what you know. Be careful of focusing on just the complex word.

The GRE English section is definitely unlike any other standardized test, but that’s expected; they are testing adults, not children. They treat you like an adult with ample knowledge in academic writing and professional language, and test you as such. As long as you keep that expectation in mind, preparing will be much easier.

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

If you need to know more about Ace the GRE Verbal you can also visit the collage board website for more information.

How to Ace the TOEFL Speaking Section

How to Ace the TOEFL Speaking Section

The TOEFL Speaking section is often perceived as the most daunting part of the exam. Not because it’s inherently more complex, but rather due to the noisy test-taking environment. Unlike the IELTS Speaking test, which offers a quiet, one-on-one setting, the TOEFL Speaking section can feel overwhelming, like being in a bustling market. However, with focused preparation, scoring highly is well within reach. Visit our website for for information about TOEFL Speaking Section Anannt education will help you to know more.

Embrace Effective Note-Taking

First and foremost, Notes Are Key

Always make it a point to take notes. This strategy is vital in both the integrated and independent speaking sections. Your notes don’t need to be extensive. Instead, jot down concise bullet points that highlight your main ideas. This approach will serve as a roadmap for your responses, ensuring you touch on all necessary points.

Structure Your Responses

Moreover, Structure is Crucial

Approach the speaking section as if it were an oral essay. Structure your response with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Remember, your accent is less important than your ability to communicate clearly and logically.

Prioritize Authenticity

Additionally, Honesty Matters

In the independent speaking section, sincerity is more valuable than saying what you think the examiner wants to hear. Speaking from your own experience and beliefs makes your response more genuine and fluid, reducing the likelihood of mistakes.

Strategies to Overcome Distractions

While it might seem straightforward to suggest “ignoring distractions,” we acknowledge the challenge it presents. Therefore, the tips provided aim to engross you so deeply in your response preparation that external noises become less intrusive.

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

For further insights and tailored advice, If you need to know more about TOEFL Speaking Section you can also visit the collage board website for more information.

IELTS Paper Test vs. Computer-Based Test

IELTS Paper Test vs. Computer-Based Test

Deciding between IELTS Paper vs Computer Test? The main difference is just the medium. Both tests have similar questions and formats. Your choice depends on what you’re comfortable with. Let’s break it down. Visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

Why Choose Paper?


  1. Easily change your answers.
  2. Ideal if typing isn’t your strength.
  3. Extra 10 minutes in the listening section to transfer answers.
  4. Writing by hand feels more natural for some.


  1. Harder to edit your work.
  2. Longer wait for results.
  3. Messy handwriting could be an issue.

Why Go for Computer?


  1. Highlight important points easily.
  2. Fast typers and those with poor handwriting benefit.
  3. Copy and paste your answers. Finding a test slot is easier.
  4. Adjust text size. See word count while writing.


  1. Must be good at typing.
  2. Can’t check answers after time’s up.
  3. The constant timer might stress you out.
  4. Long screen time could strain your eyes.
  5. Just 2 minutes to review listening answers.

Choosing What’s Best for You

Both options IELTS Paper vs Computer Test have their advantages. Generally, the computer test might seem easier. But, if typing slows you down, think twice. IELTS tests your time management as much as your English skills. Choose what helps you perform best.

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

If you need to know more about IELTS Paper vs Computer Test you can also visit the collage board website for more information.