
Before writing the SAT, or even starting SAT preparations, it’s important for you to recognize your target SAT score. There needs to be a goal you’re working towards- blind preparation will get you nowhere. This post will hopefully help you make an overview of preparing for the SAT exam ! 🙂

  1. Be Realistic With Timeline

Many people decide to start training for the SAT exam a few months in advance of their test date. However, when they don’t achieve this lofty goal, they become disappointed. Be realistic about your timeline and set achievable expectations; this is not to say you shouldn’t aim high, which you should. After allocating enough time and resources into preparing for the test you can accurately assess how much work needs to be done in order to reach your desired score range. Aim for a score that is reflective of YOUR capabilities and what YOU would be satisfied with.

2.Make a list of colleges and check their average SAT scores

Realistically, analyze which colleges do you want to go to where you have a decent chance to get into with your current grades. Check their average SAT range on College board and write down the average scores of their accepted applicants in a document for your personal viewing. Try to aim your target a little bit higher than the average for better chances, but overall, it’s important for you to know where you stand in relation to other candidates competing with you for a spot so prepare well.

3. Use Mock Tests

Usually, expect to get a little higher on the SAT exam than your mock tests. Remember, the more mocks you do, the more practice you get and the higher your final score will be. While its very possible that you might do worse in the SAT, aim a little higher every time you get a better score in the mock tests. You can get your topic wise test as well as full length timed SAT mocks on Khan Academy.

4. Don’t base it off on other people’s targets

Because of the numerous reasons available, it is simple to adopt someone else’s aim as your own. A low aim will make it difficult to apply to desired universities, both are demotivating and may limit your performance. Go through this overview of preparing for the SAT exam.


  • Ideally, candidates should use a combination of at least two of the above overview of preparing for the SAT exam, if not all of them, to come to an accurate target score. The importance of a target score is greatly underestimated when preparing for the SAT, and many times, it shows. Candidates who prepare for the SAT without a target score get a lower score than those who do, many times significantly lower. Hence, to be able to work your hardest and succeed, always keep a score in mind through this overview. visit our website to find out more about the SAT.
  • Understand the format of your upcoming test, create a comprehensive study plan and practice sample questions ahead of time—these steps will ensure that you feel confident on test day so that you can perform at your best! Good luck!