Top 5 ways to Master the TOEFL Independent and Integrated Writing Task

Top 5 ways to Master the TOEFL Independent and Integrated Writing Task

Are you preparing for the TOEFL exam? If you want to score well on the writing portion of the exam, then you’ll need to master both the independent and integrated writing tasks. This blog will give Top 5 ways to Master the TOEFL Independent and Integrated Writing Task to improve your writing skills and work your way up to a high score on TOEFL writing tasks. Let’s jump into it!

1. Understand the Prompt

The most important part of any writing task is understanding what it is asking of you. Make sure to read the prompt carefully and take note of any important keywords that will help guide your essay. Additionally, make sure that you understand how much time you have to complete each task so that you don’t end up running out of time before finishing your essay.

2. Outline Your Essay

Once you understand what you’re being asked, it’s time to create an outline for your essay. This will help keep your thoughts organized so that all of your ideas are laid out clearly in front of you when the time comes to write. Depending on which type of task it is (independent or integrated), make sure to include any relevant information from the stimulus material in your outline as well.

3. Follow Proper Structure

As with any type of written assignment, make sure that each paragraph follows proper structure with a clear topic sentence, supporting evidence, and a concluding sentence for each section. This will help ensure that your essay has a clear flow and that there isn’t too much repetition or unnecessary information included in the piece. Additionally, make sure to use transition words between paragraphs so that readers can easily follow along with your argument or explanation.

4. Aim For Clarity & Coherence

Clarity and coherence are essential components of any successful essay. What’s more if readers cannot understand what they are reading, then they won’t be able to appreciate its content and meaning as intended by its author(s).

5. Revise and Edit Before Submitting Any Work

Take some time away from it so that when revisiting, you can look at it with fresh eye. You may even catch mistakes or have new thoughts about content!

With these five strategies under our belt, let’s go forth and conquer those TOEFL Writing tasks ahead! For more details you can check out the official TOEFL site. Remember – understanding the prompt is key; outlining helps keep things organized; following proper structure gets rid of unnecessary information; clarity & coherence should never be overlooked; and revisiting makes it perfect! Good luck!

We at Anannt strive to get the best possible SAT scores with tailored learning methods. Should you need any assistance, feel free to get in touch. Just an email away or visit the blog site. 🙂

visit our website to find information for other exams.

Techniques to ace SAT Digital Reading and Writing

Techniques to ace SAT Digital Reading and Writing

In this digital age, students preparing for SAT exams have to ace not only the Math and Critical Reading modules but also the Digital Reading and Writing module. The good news is that with a little bit of practice, anyone can do well in this section. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and techniques that will help you score high marks in the Digital Reading and Writing module of the SAT exam. Following these tips and techniques will definitely help you ace the Digital Reading and Writing section of the SAT exam. Let’s get started!

1. Read, Read and Keep Reading

Reading extensively is necessary to build a strong foundation in the Digital Reading and Writing module of the SAT exam. Make sure you read something almost every day. It can be anything from newspapers to magazines or even online articles. This will help you develop your understanding of words, sentence structure, grammar and other language concepts needed to ace this section of the exam.

2. Use Online Resources

There are many resources such as websites, e-books and apps that can help students prepare for the Digital Reading and Writing section of the SAT exam. These resources will provide practice materials that can help you sharpen your skills in this area so that you can do well on test day.

3. Understand the Types of Questions

Before you start your preparation, it is important to understand the various types of questions asked in this module. This includes multiple-choice questions, sentence completion questions and passage-based reading comprehension questions. Knowing what to expect will help you focus on developing the right skills for each type of question.

4. Practice Sample Tests

A great way to practice for the Digital Reading and Writing section is by taking sample tests available online. This will give you an idea of how much time you need to spend on each question as well as familiarize yourself with the different types of questions that can be asked in this section.

5. Look Up Words You Don’t Know

An important part of the Digital Reading and Writing module is understanding words and terms you come across. When reading passages or questions, make sure to look up any words that you don’t know – this will help you understand the context better and answer the question accurately.

6. Make Notes

While reading materials related to this section, make notes of any important points or concepts that appear multiple times. This will help you recall them quickly when needed on test day. Similarly, while taking sample tests, also keep short notes of your mistakes so that you can avoid making them again in the future.

7. Use Test-Taking Strategies

There are certain test-taking strategies that can help you maximize your score on the Digital Reading and Writing section of the SAT exam. For instance, using process of elimination to narrow down your options when solving multiple-choice questions can be helpful if you are stuck between two options. Similarly, it is important to read the entire question before answering so that you don’t miss any key information or instructions given.

8. Take Breaks

Make sure to take frequent breaks while preparing for this module of the SAT exam – this will help keep your mind fresh and prevent burnout. Additionally, it is a good idea to break up long practice sessions with short activities such as taking a walk, listening to music or doing a simple stretching exercise. This can help you stay focused and motivated throughout your preparation for the Digital Reading and Writing module of the SAT exam.

Following these tips and techniques will definitely help you ace the Digital Reading and Writing section of the SAT exam. You can also refer to the official College board site to know more about the digital SAT. Remember that practice is key – so make sure to read extensively, use online resources and take sample tests regularly in order to boost your score in this area. Good luck!

We at Anannt strive to get the best possible SAT scores with tailored learning methods. Should you need any assistance, feel free to get in touch. Just an email away or visit the blog site. 🙂

visit our website to find information for other exams.

How to prepare for the AP : An Introduction to AP Biology

How to prepare for the AP : An Introduction to AP Biology

AP Biology is an advanced placement course designed to give students the opportunity to gain college-level proficiency . This course consists of a laboratory portion and a theoretical part, each offering students different benefits and challenges. Through laboratory work, students can get hands-on experience with experiments while they analyze their results. The theoretical portion that focus on topics such as cell structure, biochemistry, genetics, ecology, physiology, evolution, and other relevant fields. All in all, taking an AP Biology course is a great way for high school students to gain college credit or even get ahead in college before actually attending.

1. Benefits of Taking an AP Biology Coarse

There are many advantages of enrolling in an AP Biology class. Firstly, it gives students greater exposure and familiarity with college-level topics related to biology. Instead of being overwhelmed by complex concepts when they attend college classes, taking this course will help them feel more comfortable with the material as they are already familiar with it. Furthermore, this course also provides additional benefits such as developing essential scientific inquiry skills like data collection and analysis; hypothesis formulation; testing; designing experiments; writing lab reports; etc., all of which are important for succeeding academically at university level and beyond. Additionally, studying AP Biology also gives students a broader understanding of how living organisms work together in natural ecosystems as well as how humans are impacting them through activities.

2. How Can You Make the Most Out of an AP Biology Coarse

To make the most out of your AP Biology courses you should take full advantage of all available resources. Ask questions during lectures or labs if you don’t understand something, review your notes regularly so that you retain information better and be sure to practice applying new concepts when doing assignments or preparing for tests. Moreover, staying organised is key – keep track of deadlines for assignments or tests so that you don’t miss anything important! Lastly but not least important – never give up! Although this course may seem overwhelming at times just remember why you chose it in the first place – it will benefit you both academically and professionally later on down the line!

You can also refer to the official college board website for more details and bookings.

Taking an AP Biology course can be a great way for students to get ready for college-level courses in biology or related fields. Not only will they learn the factual knowledge but also develop essential skills that are needed to succeed academically. Furthermore, taking this course gives them a greater understanding of how living organisms work together in natural ecosystems and how humans are impacting them through activities like deforestation and pollution. All these benefits make AP Biology an excellent choice for high schoolers who wish to prepare themselves for college-level study or even get ahead of their peers before entering university!  Best of luck – we know you’ll ace it!

We at Anannt strive to get the best possible AP scores with tailored learning methods. Should you need any assistance, feel free to get in touch. Just an email away or visit the blog site. 🙂

visit our website to find information for other exams.

GRE Verbal Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide

GRE Verbal Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide


The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is an important exam to consider if you are thinking of applying for a Master’s Degree in the United States. The verbal reasoning section of the GRE is especially challenging as it tests your ability to understand written texts and draw conclusions from them. This blog will give you tips for GRE to achieve success on the exam.


1. Read Carefully and Strategically

The first step to mastering the verbal section is to read each question carefully and make sure you understand what it’s asking before attempting to answer it. This will save you time and prevent errors in interpretation. Once you have read the question, start looking at the answer choices. Eliminate any answers that you know are incorrect right away and then focus on the ones that remain. This approach will help narrow down your choices so that you can focus on finding the right one.

2. Understand The Exam

Pay attention to how authors use headings, subheadings, transitions, and other rhetorical devices to indicate shifts in topic or argumentation. Knowing these patterns can help you quickly locate relevant passages when answering questions about a text’s content or structure.

3. Be Familiar With Vocabulary Words

Another key factor in tackling the GRE verbal section is having a strong understanding of basic English vocabulary word. Be familiar with common prefixes, suffixes, root words and their meanings so that when they come up in questions or reading passages you can easily recognize them. Respond correctly without having to search for definitions or look up unfamiliar terms. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the GRE verbal section this blog will give you tips for GRE to achieve success on the exam.

4. Read with Comprehension

The key to acing the GRE verbal section is reading comprehension. Understand what is being asked . As such, it’s important that you focus on reading the passages carefully and actively rather than passively skimming through them. Take note of key words or phrases that indicate a point or argument and ask yourself relevant questions about its content as you go along. Additionally, don’t forget about context clues! These can help clue you into meaning beyond just an individual word’s definition. This will ultimately lead to greater accuracy when answering related questions. Go through the official website for checking your predicted score.

As you are preparing for the GRE and if you feel you need an extra push to make sure your practice is on point? It will get you covered! If you are feeling overwhelmed by the GRE verbal section, this blog will give you tips for GRE to achieve success on the exam. Our portal has tons of material available to help guide you through the process. Prepping for a big exam can be daunting, so why not take advantage of our knowledge and use our resources to ensure that you perform at your peak? From comprehensive timed exams to simple practice questions, we will get you up to speed with all the information necessary for success. Contact us today through our website and find out how we can help ace that GRE.

An Overview of Preparing for the SAT Exam

An Overview of Preparing for the SAT Exam

Before writing the SAT, or even starting SAT preparations, it’s important for you to recognize your target SAT score. There needs to be a goal you’re working towards- blind preparation will get you nowhere. This post will hopefully help you make an overview of preparing for the SAT exam ! 🙂

  1. Be Realistic With Timeline

Many people decide to start training for the SAT exam a few months in advance of their test date. However, when they don’t achieve this lofty goal, they become disappointed. Be realistic about your timeline and set achievable expectations; this is not to say you shouldn’t aim high, which you should. After allocating enough time and resources into preparing for the test you can accurately assess how much work needs to be done in order to reach your desired score range. Aim for a score that is reflective of YOUR capabilities and what YOU would be satisfied with.

2.Make a list of colleges and check their average SAT scores

Realistically, analyze which colleges do you want to go to where you have a decent chance to get into with your current grades. Check their average SAT range on College board and write down the average scores of their accepted applicants in a document for your personal viewing. Try to aim your target a little bit higher than the average for better chances, but overall, it’s important for you to know where you stand in relation to other candidates competing with you for a spot so prepare well.

3. Use Mock Tests

Usually, expect to get a little higher on the SAT exam than your mock tests. Remember, the more mocks you do, the more practice you get and the higher your final score will be. While its very possible that you might do worse in the SAT, aim a little higher every time you get a better score in the mock tests. You can get your topic wise test as well as full length timed SAT mocks on Khan Academy.

4. Don’t base it off on other people’s targets

Because of the numerous reasons available, it is simple to adopt someone else’s aim as your own. A low aim will make it difficult to apply to desired universities, both are demotivating and may limit your performance. Go through this overview of preparing for the SAT exam.


  • Ideally, candidates should use a combination of at least two of the above overview of preparing for the SAT exam, if not all of them, to come to an accurate target score. The importance of a target score is greatly underestimated when preparing for the SAT, and many times, it shows. Candidates who prepare for the SAT without a target score get a lower score than those who do, many times significantly lower. Hence, to be able to work your hardest and succeed, always keep a score in mind through this overview. visit our website to find out more about the SAT.
  • Understand the format of your upcoming test, create a comprehensive study plan and practice sample questions ahead of time—these steps will ensure that you feel confident on test day so that you can perform at your best! Good luck!