How to ace the College Essay?

How to ace the College Essay?

The college essay is key for admissions to see who you are. Here’s how to make yours stand out. Visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

Make a Strong Start

First, grab attention from the start. Your opening should make the examiner want to read more. A great way is to share a story that shows your main point. Keep the reader hooked by smoothly moving from your intro to the main part of your essay.

Keep It Interesting

Then, keep the story engaging. Add details about your background that back up your main point. This makes your essay more interesting.

Top Tips for a Great Essay

  • Start with something that grabs attention.
  • Talk about big moments in your life. This shows the real you.
  • Keep your writing clear and straightforward.
  • Stay on topic to keep your story strong.
  • Focus on what makes you unique.
  • Use active voice to make your essay lively.
  • Mix up your sentences to keep things interesting.
  • Lastly, always proofread your work.

Deepen Your Reflection

Furthermore, delve into reflection. Colleges look for depth in your essay. Reflect on your experiences and how they’ve shaped you. This deep dive not only reveals your maturity but also your ability to introspect.


In essence, acing your college essay involves more than just telling a story. It’s about showcasing your personality, growth, and alignment with the college’s values in a clear, engaging manner. By following these tips and focusing on simplicity and clarity, you’ll craft an essay that stands out.

Need Help?

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

If you need to know more about College Essay you can also visit the few example of essays for more information.

How to Ace the GRE Verbal

How to Ace the GRE Verbal

The GRE English, though not very different in structure from undergraduate English sections in tests like the SAT, is much more difficult in expectation. A candidate’s competition aren’t clueless high school students on their way to college anymore, but accomplished adults armed with an undergraduate degree already. Expect the complexity in the English section to be difficult, but not impossible, even to someone who is not necessarily fluent in English. Visit our website for for information about Ace the GRE Verbal Anannt education will help you to know more.

Here are a few ways you can get over your hang-ups and rise triumphant:

  1. Read, and read more.

The level of sophistication the GRE expects out of your command of the English language is unlike any other standardised test. Especially when it comes to the Text Completion section, not only is a candidate’s knowledge of English in general (vocabulary included) tested, but also their ability to write idioms and phrases in English that can be widely understood. To write a sentence is easy, but to come up with complex idioms and metaphors on a whim is many times even beyond fluent speakers.

Which is why reading is very important. Hone your ability to write. Read books, be it whatever genre, but closely study the dialogues, quirky phrases and quips and sentences. If something made you thoughtful or laugh, highlight that sentence and analyse why. Why was this sentence special? Use that answer to come up with your own sentences.

  1. If you don’t understand anything, skip

Don’t be afraid to skip. If a question is particularly agonising to you, circle it and move on. Like all standardised tests, the GRE is also primarily a test of time management. Finish all the questions you know first and then go back to the ones you couldn’t answer. Approach the question from a different angle this time and start afresh. The answer is in front of you, you just need to pick it correctly.

  1. Invest in flashcards

As dull as they may seem, flashcards with complicated words and their meanings are immense help to a GRE candidate. Skillfully using a complicated word in a sentence in GRE can earn you major points. By scoring well, you will more than regain the time and effort you would spend simply learning words.

  1. Learn synonyms and antonyms of the words you are learning

In the GRE, it is not enough to just know the word itself. You must know the opposite of the word and other words that mean the same as it. During the Sentence Equivalence section especially, not knowing the opposite or synonym of a word will automatically make you fail the exercise. In the GRE, they do not want you to just by-heart a list of words and word-vomit it on the day; they want to ensure that you truly understand what you know. Be careful of focusing on just the complex word.

The GRE English section is definitely unlike any other standardized test, but that’s expected; they are testing adults, not children. They treat you like an adult with ample knowledge in academic writing and professional language, and test you as such. As long as you keep that expectation in mind, preparing will be much easier.

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

If you need to know more about Ace the GRE Verbal you can also visit the collage board website for more information.

How To Ace the TOEFL Writing Section

How To Ace the TOEFL Writing Section

The TOEFL Writing section looks for clear ideas, not just long essays. A short, clear essay often does better than a long, error-filled one. Visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

Key Strategies for TOEFL Writing


Keep your essay organized. Use four paragraphs:

  • Introduction: Start with why the topic matters. Your opinion counts.
  • Body Paragraphs: Cover two main ideas, one per paragraph.
  • Conclusion: Sum up your points. Try to offer fresh insights.


Simple writing works best. Avoid long, complex sentences. Use easy words. Make sure your ideas are clear. This approach beats using big words incorrectly.


Spelling matters a lot. Use words you know how to spell. Even adults make spelling mistakes. Simple words are safer.

Time Management

Furthermore, effective time management is essential. Allocate specific times for planning, writing, and reviewing. For example, spend the first few minutes planning your essay structure. Then, write. Lastly, reserve time to review your work for errors.

Tips for Success

The TOEFL Writing section has clear rules. It’s about understanding these rules. You don’t need perfect English. Just practice and stay patient.

Practice Typing

For those taking the computer-based test, typing speed matters. Practice typing to increase your speed and accuracy. Faster typing allows more time for thinking and reviewing.

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

If you need to know more about how to Ace the TOEFL Writing Section you can also visit the collage board website for more information.

How to Ace the SAT Reading Section with Anannt Education

How to Ace the SAT Reading Section with Anannt Education

Introduction: Overcoming the SAT Reading Task

The SAT Reading task section gives you 65 minutes. It sounds enough but often isn’t. Many get slowed down by reading passages in detail, which isn’t needed. Along with the SAT Exam, we offer comprehensive exam prep solutions. Explore all your options on our SAT landing page.

Strategy 1: Focus on the Main Ideas

Spot the Key Sentences

Look for the topic sentence in each paragraph. It sums up the main point. For example, the first sentence in a paragraph from Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings does just that.

Quick Skimming

Have your pencil ready to underline these sentences. It helps you catch the main points without getting bogged down.

Strategy 2: Deal with Tricky Texts

Partial Understanding Works

SAT essays are parts of longer works and can be confusing. You don’t need to grasp everything. Just look for the main points, often hinted at in the questions.

Strategy 3: Smartly Handle Hard Questions

It’s OK to Skip

If you’re stuck, skip and come back later. There’s no penalty for wrong guesses. So, if in doubt, guess! You might get it right.

Conclusion: Preparing for Success

Winning the SAT Reading isn’t just about hard work; it’s about smart work. Learn to spot key points fast and manage your time well. This approach will help you do well on the exam.

Curious about how we can help you ace the SAT exam? Have questions about specific concepts? Contact us on our website Anannt will help you!! let’s explore your potential and get you ready for success!

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Rules of Grammar: How to Ace the SAT Language Section

Rules of Grammar: How to Ace the SAT Language Section

Unlock SAT Writing Success in UAE

The English language, with its colloquialisms and dialects, can sometimes present challenges. This is especially true in the SAT UAE Writing and Language section, designed to test your grasp of English through tricky questions.

Tips to Outsmart the SAT Writing Section

Choose Active Over Passive Voice

Many students prefer passive voice because it sounds formal. However, focusing on active voice simplifies sentences and makes your answers clearer. For example, recognize whether a sentence is active or passive and choose the simpler option.

Understanding Singular vs. Plural

For instance, consider the sentence: “When any one of these changes occur, it is likely the result of careful analysis.” The correct form is “occurs” because it refers to a singular subject. Identifying the subject and its number is key to choosing the right verb form.

Mastering Punctuation

Punctuation shapes the meaning of sentences. Use commas to list items or add clarity, full stops to end sentences, colons for elaboration, semicolons to connect related ideas, and dashes for emphasis.

Decoding Its/It’s and Other Common Confusions

  • It’s vs. Its: “It’s” means “it is” or “it has,” while “its” indicates possession.
  • They’re vs. Their vs. There: “They’re” means “they are,” “their” indicates possession by a group, and “there” refers to a location.
  • You’re vs. Your: “You’re” is short for “you are,” whereas “your” shows possession.
These distinctions may seem minor, but they can significantly impact your SAT score.

Approach the Writing Section With a Clear Mind

The SAT Writing section can seem daunting. Unlike math, where more knowledge typically leads to better results, the Writing section requires you to forget what feels right and focus on the grammatical rules.

Final Thoughts

Tackling the SAT UAE Writing and Language section successfully requires a blend of understanding basic grammar rules and applying strategic thinking. By focusing on these areas, you can navigate the section more confidently and efficiently. The Writing section is one of the most complicated sections in the test because of people’s familiarity with it. Unlike Maths, where the more you know the more you are prepared, it is best to go into the Writing section with a clean slate assuming you know nothing. The key is to not listen to yourself and try to logically deduct the answer using the tips above. Once you are able to do that, the Writing section will be a breeze! For a more in-depth exploration of our offerings, please visit our website Anannt Education and feel free to connect with us directly via WhatsApp for any queries or further information.