
Preparing for the SAT Test Online exams means understanding the material and having the right tools. A crucial tool for both Mathematics Level 1 and Level 2 exams is the calculator. While you can use a scientific or graphing calculator for these math exams, the SAT Physics & SAT Chemistry exams do not allow them. Graphing calculators have advantages like plotting graphs for functions, unlike scientific calculators.

Approved Calculators for the SAT Test Online Exams: Ensure Your Toolkit Meets the Requirements

Let’s dive into the brands and models you can use during the SAT exams:

  • Casio Calculators: You can choose from FX-6000, FX-6200, FX-6300, FX-6500, FX-7000, FX-7300, FX-7400 series, and more. The Algebra FX 2.0, FX-CG-10, FX-CG-20, FX-CG-50, Graph25, Graph35 series are also great choices. Remember, using a stylus with FX-CG500 is not allowed.
  • Hewlett Packard (HP) Options: Models like HP-9G, HP-28, HP-38G, HP-39, and HP-40 series are available. The HP-48, HP-49, HP-50 series, including HP Prime, are also suitable.
  • Radio Shack Selections: EC-4033, EC-4034, EC-4037 models are on the list.
  • Sharp Instruments: Choose from EL-5200, EL-9200, EL-9300, EL-9600**, and EL-9900 series. However, you cannot use a stylus with EL-9600 series.
  • Texas Instruments (TI) Range: The TI-73, TI-80, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-84 Plus series, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, and TI-Nspire series including CX, CX CAS are all approved.
  • Alternative Brands: Datexx DS-883, Micronta, NumWorks, Smart2 are also good choices.

For the most current list of approved calculators, always check the College Board’s official calculator policy page.

Moreover, if you’re keen to understand the differences between scientific and graphing calculators, Khan Academy offers insightful tutorials. These guides help you know when and how to use each type effectively.

For a more in-depth exploration of our offerings, please visit our website Anannt Education and feel free to connect with us directly via WhatsApp for any queries or further information