Tips to ace IELTS Listening section

Tips to ace IELTS Listening section

If you’re preparing for the IELTS exam, chances are you’re feeling a little bit stressed
about the listening section. After all, it’s not easy to understand native English
speakers when you’re still learning the language yourself.
But don’t worry! We’ve got some top tips to help you ace the IELTS listening section.
With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to understand even the fastest speakers and
get a great score on the test.
Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your time and score as high as
possible on this section of the test.

  • Stay Calm & Focused

The most important thing is to stay calm and focused throughout the test. If things
get too overwhelming, take a few deep breaths before continuing. Make sure to listen
carefully and don’t worry if you don’t understand every single word — it’s more
important to get the general meaning of what is being said. If there are words that
you don’t know, try using context clues to guess their meaning.

  • Learn to listen naturally

Regardless of your current IELTS Listening score, improvement is possible with
practice and the right attitude. The key to boosting your listening abilities for the
IELTS exam is to learn to listen naturally, not just memorize answer choices. Before
sitting for the test, try supplementing your studies with immersive listening
experiences like watching videos or films in English, tuning into podcasts or radio
programs, or joining a conversation club. If you focus on active listening skills as well
as paying attention to grammar and spelling, you’ll be well on your way to mastering
this exam in no time!

  • Manage Your Time

Time management is key when it comes to acing the listening section. Pay attention
not only to what is being said but also to how much time is left on each question. It
will help keep you from spending too much time on any one question and ensure that
you have enough time to answer all of them correctly. Also, be sure to use any extra
time at the end of each question for double-checking your answers — it could make a
difference in your final score!

  • Practice Makes Perfect

Practicing before taking the IELTS Listening test can go a long way towards helping
you achieve success. You should also familiarize yourself with different accents so that you won’t be thrown off by unfamiliar speech patterns during the test. Finally, listening regularly to audio recordings in English can help improve your comprehension skills and give you an edge over other test takers.

Taking the IELTS Listening section doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience if
you’re prepared! By staying calm and focused, managing your time well, and
practicing beforehand, you’ll be able to set yourself up for success on exam day. With
these tips in mind, you’ll be able to confidently tackle this important part of the
IELTS exam and come out with flying colors! Good luck!

IELTS Reading Section: A Comprehensive Guide

IELTS Reading Section: A Comprehensive Guide

The IELTS Reading Section is divided into several parts, each with its own set
of questions. The first part consists of three reading passages on academic
topics. You will be asked a number of multiple-choice, true/false and matching
questions based on the text.

The next part of the Reading Section consists of a longer text with more in-
depth questions. Make sure you understand what each question is asking before attempting to
answer them.
Another important part of the IELTS Reading Section is the “Table Completion”
task. This task requires you to read a table and fill in missing information on it.
You should be familiar with different types of tables and charts, as well as
how to interpret them.
Finally, there are two more tasks that can appear in the IELTS Reading
Section: summary completion and multiple-choice questions. Summary
completion tasks require you to read a text and fill in missing words or
phrases from the text. Multiple-choice questions are similar, but will ask you
to choose the correct answer from a list of possible choices.

Now that you know what’s in the IELTS Reading Section, let’s talk about how
to prepare.

Some pointers:

● To ace the IELTS Reading Section, it is important to be well-prepared
and have a clear understanding of the types of questions and tasks that
will be asked.
● The best way to prepare for this section is to practice reading academic
● You should also be familiar with the English language vocabulary found
in academic texts and learn key strategies for interpreting them.
● Additionally, you can use IELTS practice tests to get used to the types of
questions you will encounter on the exam.
● Remember to practice, stay focused and read carefully!

Accordingly, Preparing for the IELTS exam takes a great deal of dedication and hard work;
however, at times, due to busy schedules or insufficient resources, it can be
difficult. Worry not, because we are here to help you reach your desired goals
in the exam. We will create a personalized study plan tailored to your needs
and abilities so that you can focus on improving your performance. With our
proven strategies, you’ll be able to effectively prepare for the exam day. If you
want more information about our services and how we can help, feel free to
contact us. We look forward to making sure that you succeed!

For additional information, check out – https://www.britishcouncil.ae/en/exam/ielts?gclid=CjwKCAiA7vWcBhBUEiwAXieItnvLKvpoQh2gm_GgbJP1CIU3UmX76iZwksc7MGRiIsCT5i5ErfBtkBoC0P4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Last-minute tips for IELTS test-takers

Last-minute tips for IELTS test-takers

Feeling nervous the night before your IELTS test is completely normal. You’ve put in the hard work, yet the question remains: did you miss anything crucial? Don’t worry! We’re here to offer some essential tips for IELTS last-minute tips to boost your confidence and ensure your success.

Visit our website for for information about Tips for IELTS! Anannt education will help you to know more.

Dive Into the IELTS Computer-Based Test Format

Stop worrying about your IELTS preparation once you get to know the computer-based test format inside out. Familiarizing yourself with this format paves the way for a triumphant IELTS experience. So, dive deep into researching and practicing with IELTS computer-based questions. This effort will leave no room for surprises on test day, setting you up to hit your dream IELTS scores.

Sharpen Your Computer Skills for Essays and Questions

Accuracy in typing essays and answering questions on a computer is crucial. Avoid spelling mistakes and grammar errors that can cost you points. While computers might seem daunting at first, getting comfortable with them can unlock your inner spelling bee champion. Embrace this challenge and practice your writing skills to collect those spelling bee ribbons!

Master the Art of Time Management for Each Test Section

Conquering time management is the key to acing any timed test. Practice with a stopwatch until managing your test time becomes second nature, just like an Olympic swimmer controls their laps. Get to know the time limits well, and you’ll be showcasing your skills with confidence.

Stay Alert for Special Instructions on the Computer Screen

Keep an eye out for any special instructions that pop up on the computer screen. Missing these instructions could affect your exam performance, so maintain vigilance and read any additional guidelines carefully. This attention to detail can be the difference between a good and great score.

Keep Your Focus Sharp During the Test

One major challenge during the test is to keep your focus laser-sharp and avoid distractions. Don’t let tricky questions bog you down. It’s okay to skip the hard ones as long as you manage your time effectively and concentrate on the questions you know well. Always remember, the only way out is through.

Use Your Time Wisely, Even If You Skip Questions

Skipping questions isn’t the end of the world. If you’re stuck, it’s smarter to move on rather than waste valuable time. Not every question will make or break your score. Efficient time management ensures you tackle more questions, potentially boosting your overall score.

IELTS Computer-Based Test vs. Paper-Based Test: What You Need to Know

The IELTS computer-based test offers the convenience of taking it from anywhere, provided you have a computer and internet connection. The format mirrors the paper-based test, but with specific time limits and instructions displayed on-screen. Familiarize yourself with these aspects through practice to minimize test-day anxiety and maximize your performance.

Remember, these tips for IELTS are here to fine-tune your preparation and approach to the IELTS test. If you have any last-minute questions or need further advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you achieve your best score!

If you need to know more about IELTS Paper vs Computer Test you can also visit the collage board website for more information.

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

IELTS Paper Test vs. Computer-Based Test

IELTS Paper Test vs. Computer-Based Test

Deciding between IELTS Paper vs Computer Test? The main difference is just the medium. Both tests have similar questions and formats. Your choice depends on what you’re comfortable with. Let’s break it down. Visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

Why Choose Paper?


  1. Easily change your answers.
  2. Ideal if typing isn’t your strength.
  3. Extra 10 minutes in the listening section to transfer answers.
  4. Writing by hand feels more natural for some.


  1. Harder to edit your work.
  2. Longer wait for results.
  3. Messy handwriting could be an issue.

Why Go for Computer?


  1. Highlight important points easily.
  2. Fast typers and those with poor handwriting benefit.
  3. Copy and paste your answers. Finding a test slot is easier.
  4. Adjust text size. See word count while writing.


  1. Must be good at typing.
  2. Can’t check answers after time’s up.
  3. The constant timer might stress you out.
  4. Long screen time could strain your eyes.
  5. Just 2 minutes to review listening answers.

Choosing What’s Best for You

Both options IELTS Paper vs Computer Test have their advantages. Generally, the computer test might seem easier. But, if typing slows you down, think twice. IELTS tests your time management as much as your English skills. Choose what helps you perform best.

Need more advice? Call us at Anannt whatsapp or visit our website for for information Anannt education will help you to know more.

If you need to know more about IELTS Paper vs Computer Test you can also visit the collage board website for more information.

Choosing Between TOEFL and IELTS: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing Between TOEFL and IELTS: A Comprehensive Guide

Globally recognized tests, TOEFL and IELTS: A Comprehensive Guide, offer a window into your English language proficiency. Your personal strengths and how you prefer to be assessed can significantly influence which test suits you better. For more information you can visit our Anannt website for TOEFL and IELTS.

Understanding the Tests

Who Conducts TOEFL and IELTS?

  • IELTS: The British Council, IDP Education, and Cambridge Assessment English collaboratively offer this test.
  • TOEFL: The Educational Testing Service (ETS) takes charge of administering this test.

Frequency and Format Insights

Both the TOEFL and IELTS run several times throughout the year. The IELTS is available up to 48 times, and the TOEFL, over 50 times annually. The IELTS allows you to schedule the Speaking section separately, while the TOEFL mandates completing all four sections in one go.

Diving into Section-Wise Details

Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing form the core sections of both tests. However, their execution differs. For example, you’ll engage in a face-to-face interview for the IELTS Speaking section, but you’ll complete the TOEFL’s Speaking section online.

Choosing the Right Test for You

Medium and Scoring Explained

  • IELTS: You can take it on paper or online, with scores ranging from 0 to 9.
  • TOEFL: It’s primarily online, offering total scores out of 120.

Test Duration and Pricing Comparison

While the IELTS lasts about 2 hours and 55 minutes, the TOEFL ranges from 2 hours 47 minutes to 3 hours 23 minutes. Their pricing reflects their unique formats and administration.

Global Acceptance and Validity

Both tests enjoy international acceptance and remain valid for two years. The IELTS finds wider acceptance in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, while the TOEFL is the preferred choice in the United States.

Making Your Decision

Your choice should hinge on your personal preferences and strengths. If in-person interviews intimidate you, or if you dislike distractions during the Speaking section, one test might fit you better than the other.

Wrapping Up

Choosing between TOEFL and IELTS: A Comprehensive Guide is about identifying the best fit for your needs. Always confirm your chosen test’s acceptance at the institutions you’re applying to. Rest assured, both are widely recognized.

For more information or assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at +971 58 585 3551 or visit our website at www.anannt.ae.

For more information, you can also visit the College Board website of IELTS and TOEFL.



Master the IELTS Listening Test with Ease

The IELTS Listening Test checks your English skills in daily life and school situations. You’ll hear different recordings and answer questions about them. This part tests both Academic and General Training types and looks at many listening skills like:

  • Getting the main ideas.
  • Knowing what the speaker thinks or wants to do.
  • Understanding arguments.

What the Test Includes

The test takes 30 minutes, plus 10 more minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet.

It has four parts, each harder than the last, with 10 questions each:

  1. Two People Talking: Hear a chat in a common situation, like talking about renting a house.
  2. One Person Speaking: Listen to someone give information, like about a town’s services.
  3. Group Discussion: This part has up to four people talking in a school setting, like discussing a project.
  4. Lecture: The last part is a speech on a school topic.

Tips for Doing Well

  • Start Early: Mix studying with your daily activities to avoid cramming.
  • Practice Test: Do a practice test to see where you stand.
  • Study Style: Find out if you like studying a little every day or all at once.
  • Regular Study: Aim for about 20 hours of study a week before the test.
  • Work on Weak Spots: Spend extra time on parts you find hard.
  • Learn Vocabulary: Knowing lots of words helps, especially in the reading part.

Strategies for Success

  • Go for the easy questions first.
  • Guess the answers before you hear them. Think about what kind of word you need.
  • You need full focus because you only hear the recordings once.
  • Listen to talks and lectures often.
  • Pay attention to important words.
  • Get used to the types of questions you’ll see.
  • Write clearly and check you’ve followed the rules for each answer.
  • Double-check your answers, especially the spelling.

Get Ready to Ace It

For a more in-depth exploration of our offerings, please visit our website Anannt Education and feel free to connect with us directly via WhatsApp for any queries or further information.